Narry Santos

Narry Santos

View: Mission Amid Global Crises

Dr. Santos, who holds doctorates in New Testament and Philippine Studies, wrote several books, including Slave of All: The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood in the Gospel of Mark and Turning our Shame into Honor: Transformation of the Filipino “Hiya” in Light of Mark’s Gospel. In addition, he contributed chapters in edited books (like Interpreting the New Testament Text: Introduction to the Art and Science of Exegesis, edited by Darrell Bock and Buist Fanning; Rejection: God’s Refugees in Biblical and Contemporary Perspective, edited by Stanley Porter; Green Shoots out of Dry Ground: Growing a New Future for the Church in Canada, edited by John Bowen; Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, by Enoch Wan) and articles in academic journals (like Bibliotheca Sacra, Scripture and Interpretation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Phronesis, and Review & Expositor). He also serves as part-time Senior Pastor of Greenhills Christian Fellowship (GCF) Peel and GCF York, as church-based Church Planting Catalyst with the Canadian National Baptist Convention, and as Vice President of the Evangelical Missiological Society Canada. He recently planted Saddleback South Manila and was its pastor for three years. Before Saddleback Church, he ministered at GCF in different pastoral responsibilities for 20 years, including helping plant six churches in Canada and four in the Philippines.